support the consortium of bangsamoro civil society (cbcs)
why support cbcs?
The Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS) is a non-profit organization duly registered with Securities and Exchange Commission Davao City with S.E.C. Reg. No. 2002 – 61624 dated December 22, 2002.
CBCS as a non-profit organization is working on six major thrusts in achieving its vision, mission goals and objectives such as:
Human Rights and Justice
The Human Rights Program deals with the raising of consciousness of man of his moral and social well – being. It gears towards the education and popularization of Human Rights at its optimum level.
Good Governance
The Good Governance Program deals with the comparative study and analysis of different government systems. It gears towards the development of alternative structures and systems suitable for Bangsamoro system of governance.
Peace and Development
The Peace and Development Program deals with the conceptualization of righteous peace. It gears towards the popularization of peace education.
Organizational Development and Institutional Building
The Organizational Development program deals with the enhancement and capacitating of manpower resources. It gears towards the capability building of the staff and member – networks heads/leaders.
As a non-profit organization and being catalyst of change, it relies mainly its resources from donor communities, groups, individuals and member-network contributions and spirit of volunteerism as a means of achieving their avowed vision of establishing “a society governed by justice where all peoples are respected and exercised their inalienable rights to self-determination, co-exist harmoniously and live in prosperity with dignity.”
We believe that with your help, the works and advocacy of CBCS would have a greater impact in establishing a peaceful and progressive society in this troubled Islands of Mindanao. For any donations or assistance, contact CBCS through the form below.
We, therefore, extend our gratitude for any assistance extended for the fulfillment of the CBCS programs.
Contact Us
Consortium of Bangsamoro
Civil Society (CBCS)
KFI Compound, Doña Pilar Street, Poblacion IV, Cotabato City, 9600 Philippines
Phone / Fax: (064) 557-0159

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