[Guest Editorial]

The Filipino people living in Mindanao, Visayas and Luzon at eighteen (18) years old and above obliged to actively participate in the coming election on May 12, 2025.

The election is an act or process of electing, it is a right, power or privilege of making a choice. The right to choose a leader who will be responsible in leading their territories and its people, accountable to the entire populace either they voted him/her or not. It must be noted that after winning in an election, a political leaders must take the responsibility in leading its people and extending its services especially regarding his/ her political platforms presented and mentioned to the people during the campaign period.

A leader especially thru election is not a privilege rather a huge responsibility to serve the people especially in its area of responsibility (AOR). We understand a leader should extend his/her  services to its people not using the people for his/her own interest. A certain politician should bear in his/her mind, that running for a position in an election is a responsibility to serve the people not to become a millionaire and powerful as what we observed currently, thus making the people in deeper poverty.

Politics in the Philippines is very critical. It affects the peace and order, create troubles even among families. However, because it is a law we need to respect and participate. We only need to do our best, stand for what we believe, calm and patience and assert our human rights.

We are all aware that the 2025 election is fast approaching. The politician had been preparing their various techniques and strategies on how to win the election. They will be using various ways how to let the people support them and finally vote them during the election. This includes their generous attitude, helping people though their help is not needed, pretending with good attitude, concern to the people especially the marginalized group among other strategies just to win in an election.

The people should bear in mind that the politicians is lesser in number than the voters. Thus, if the voters are united and vote wisely during election, definitely there will be good leaders who will be willing and committed to extend their services to the people not only because the people voted him/her, but it is his/her responsibility/tasks to serve his /her country and its people.

But, look, election in the Philippines as experienced is not good, because most politicians if not all are using their guns and goons just to make the result favorable to them or just to win in the election. The people, although they understand their basic rights especially on the issue of election (the right to vote according to his/her own decision, the right to be respected especially when casting their votes, etc. usually voted not because of his/her decision but with those politicians using their guns and goons secretly especially in the remote communities and to those with less in political awareness.

The issue of vote buying is very rampant and so strong in most areas if not all. Money will really change the choice of the people especially the marginalized and innocent people who voted from one politician to another in exchange of money and other motivating strategies of the politicians. In most cases it divides the families. Instead of supporting same politician they will support and vote differently.

It has been observed that conflict is happening before, during and even after the election period. Human rights violations to include killings of both voters and politicians is happening in various places in the country.

As human rights advocate, we need to respect the implementation of election and the rules thereof. Thus, we need a peaceful, honest and clean election, respect people’s right to suffrage and value the result of the election.

Area Coordinator
CBCS-Sibugay Cluster
September 3, 2024