The commitment of the youth organizations of Lanao del Sur and Marawi City was contained in their Statement after the two-day Training-Workshop held at Ragayan Training Center, Maradeca, Maranatao, Lanao del Sur on November 2-3, 2021.
Their commitment was made after Dr. Abdulsalam Disomimba, Faculty of Islamic Studies, King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies Mindanao State University Marawi City expounded on the Principles of Moral Governance. On the other hand Mike Kulat, CBCS Senior Program Officer gave the participants overview of the Bangsamoro struggle and its incremental success as well as the milestones and challenges of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA).
The above presentations encourage the youth organizations to continue their support and campaign by saying: “After having become aware of the value of Moral Governance, we agreed to form ourselves into an Advocacy Campaign Group for Moral Governance in Lanao Del Sur.”
“We do hereby declare our continuing accompaniment of the implementation of the signed peace agreement and our affirmation of commitment in supporting peace and development in the Bangsamoro, to wit:
“We will continue to serve as active guardians in the pursuit of moral governance as expression of our moral obligation and our commitment to public service in the Bangsamoro;”
During the workshop sessions, the participants identified their priority concerns under five thematic areas such as: 1) Peace and Security Issues 2) Socio-Economic and Development Agenda 3) Moral Governance promotion 4) Social Cohesion Intervention and 5) Human Rights Concerns. The above identified priority issues are their agreed programs in accompaniment of the BTA during their another three-year term extension.
Each of these thematic areas is accompanied by their alternative courses of action and the object of their advocacy naming the proper agencies where to address their recommendations and proposals.
This because they said: “We consider as part of our obligations to organize and empower active citizenry who will help promote the value of moral governance and inclusive development.” And that: “We are committed to serve as an instrument of our people, especially the poor rural communities, in promoting their socio-economic development and well-being.” Further, “We commit ourselves to work with the regional government and local government units through the principle of constructive engagement and meaningful partnership”, the statement stated.
By: Johary Ditucalan Ayo, CBCS Area Coordinator for Ranaw Cluster
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