Different platforms of civil society organizations convergence groups led by Datu Ding Kali, the member of CBCS Council of Leaders and Internal Auditor of CBCS Central assembled for a one-day consultation labelled as “Community Visioning on Peoples Agenda for Moral Governance held at M-Bistro, Saduc, Marawi City on August 27, 2022. The activity was facilitated by CBCS TAP-G Area Coordinator for Ranaw Cluster Mr. Johary Ditucalan Ayo.

The thirty-six participants representing platforms of convergence organized in Marawi City and Lanao del Sur are composed of CBCS CSO Convener Group, Bangsamoro Platform for Unity, Solidarity and Harmony (BM-PUSH), Inter-Faith Convener Group and the Advocacy Support Group for Moral Governance and other CBCS Network organizations comprising Led-Conveners and Co-Led Conveners.

The consultation is aimed at consolidating the outputs of previous consultations and workshops, fusing it to form as people’s agenda to be formally submitted to the Office of the Interim Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Government and other appropriate line agencies of Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) for appropriate action or reference in the governmental programming and legislations.

To guide the participants, Alim Saad Amati gave a brief input on Moral Governance in the perspective of Islam. He emphasized through Meranaw local dialect that: “Definition of moral governance in Islamic perspectives have a wide range of at least major issues a thousand sub-issues.” But for short-cut understanding of moral is that: “It will start in good acts and conduct referred to in Islam as aghlaaq. The good conduct or manner can be applied from self, to communities, to governance and even in battle-fields is covered by moral values or good conduct. This is why Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was referred in the Qur’an verse as ‘Laqad kaana fiy uswaton hasanah…’, where the Prophet was praised not because of his degree of faith in Allah but was praised by Allah due to his kind, fine or good character.”

Atty. Khalid Ansano, MAFAR Provincial Director for Lanao del Sur updated the participants on BTA developments. He started with the current appointment of new BTA members even as he expressed some disappointment with non-reappointment of eight Meranaw Parliament Members who he thinks are working members.

Director Ansano, stressed challenges citing his own Ministry the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR) Provincial Office which he believes also reflects other agencies. He said: “For instance the pressing problem of instant phasing out of positions in different line agencies that created vacuum of positions especially in provinces and municipal level is a great obstacle in service deliveries to the people.”

He challenged the CSOs that: “You as CSOs ‘pasukan ninyo itong mga gaps’ (intervene in these gaps). It is where you could do much for the success of our governance in the Bangsamoro.”

At the end of the day, the participants formed and signed their Vision Statement of their Priority Advocacy Agenda that would constitute their Peoples Agenda to be pursued as means of their commitment of support for the success of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) in laying the foundation of Moral Governance in the Bangsamoro.

By: Johary Ditucalan Ayo. CBCS-TAP-G Coordinator for Ranaw Cluster.